Have some business cards printed, and carry them with you. Whenever you talk with someone about your donor search, hand him or her a few cards. People are much more likely to remember you if they have some written information and a photo. At the very least, a person may share the extra cards with others who may consider donating.

One way of getting a conversation started is to wear a "need-a-kidney" t-shirt or sweat shirt and hand several cards to everyone who asks about the shirt. Ask each person to pass the extras on to a friend.

Below is an example of a card I created using Directions for making your own card follow.


1. Write out what you want to include on your donor-search card. The maximum limit for a 2x3.5 card is about 65 words on the front and 90 on the back. Less is better, if possible. 

It's a good idea to include the Living Kidney Donor Search website address. Doing so makes it easy for people to read more about you and learn what is involved in living donation--all at the same time, in one place. They don't have to go searching the Internet for information.

Web Site:

2. Choose a good photo of your face for the front of the card. If you don't have one, have someone take one. A good first impression can make the difference between someone reading your card and tossing it into the trash.

3. Next, draw 2 diagrams (front and back) showing where each section of what you've written will be located. 

4. If you are moderately handy with a computer, go to and create your card. It's easy to use and costs only $18.95 for a pack of 100.  You can often find discount codes for Zazzle on (You can also use FedEx Office, although you have to order a minmum of 250 cards, and I find it more cumbersome to use.)

5. If you are unable to create a card yourself, ask a computer-savy friend to help you.

6. Order a set of cards and set a goal for yourself: How many cards will you distribute each day? It can be as few or as many as you think is practical. The important thing is to set a goal. Without a goal, you will be less likely to hand them out.

7. When your cards arrive, put a stack in your purse, wallet, or pocket and carry them with you everywhere. If you drive, stash some extras in your vehicle. 

8. Use every possible opportunity to talk about your donor search. Always conclude by handing out several cards to each person. Ask him or her to share the extras with others.